Life in the Glasgow house got much happier when two girls moved in next door midway through the summer. Paulina is in first grade and Diana is in second. They all play well together, but the threesome doesn't always work very well and Paulina is a tad jealous after having her sister all to herself so she comes and goes. Diana and Claire, on the other hand, are thick as thieves! (left to right: Claire, Diana, and Paulina)
The girls are from Mexico and have moved here with their mother to live with their grandmother. Their dad works off shore so is gone most of the time and with the instability there right now, their mom felt they would be much safer here. What a blessing it has been for us!
They headed to Monterrey to be with their dad for Christmas and won't return until Sunday. They left behind one forlorn little girl. Here is the note she wrote to Diana:
Here is the transcription in all its misspelled sweetness: Diana, I misd you so moch! To: Dia From: Claire! P.S. I caire [care], I love, I like, I play, I sing!
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